Felicia Feng Zhang’s 5 Cores-3EFM
The attitude, skills and disposition for Music-Arts Education
Self Management: The 3 E’s – Ready for learning - Efficiency, Effectiveness, Enthusiasm
Foundation for Learning Strategies: The 3 F’s - Repetition that leads to mastery: Focus, Follow, Flow
Disposition for learning : The 3 M’s - Advancing through complex tasks: Mindset, Manners, Motivation
Benchmark for each age and each level
To Learn More About 5 Cores-3 EFM
Follow 5 Cores developments in Ear-Eye–Mind–Fingers-Feelings
- 15 minutes in Piano Performance—Follow, Focus and Finger Fitness,
- 10 minutes in Music Theory/reading–brain chaser/composition
- 10 minutes in Ear Training/Listening /Follow
- 10 minutes in Communication–singing, expression
Can be set in different rooms ( three rooms) students be placed in each session in each house
- 30 minutes of piano playing time per day
- 20 minutes of singing
- 20 minutes of theory and listening training
Coming soon!
CLEF ( Core Literacy Education Fundamental Through Piano) Series textbook Will lead the childs to achieve overall.
Students can learn how to play the songs independently, be coached how to perform on the stage, they learn how to read, that will give them self motivation and confidence.
Coming soon!
This method comes from Ms. Felicia Feng Zhang, an award winning national certified piano educator with more than 34 years of first hands teaching experience and deep pedagogy researcher, works with so many young children , and brought them to be internationally recognized !
Suggest students just need to learn and practice at school. Not necessary to practice at home.
Parents want to know specific skills that children will acquire by the end of the year. Please put the EXIT skills here for each grade level.
All students in this program are able to give a performance in recital every month ! They show their talent and skills, individually from an early young age.
- Pre N ( age 2-3) by each semester, students will be able to learn and play 6 songs independently.
- N ( age 3-4) by each semester, students will be able to learn and play 20 songs independently.
- Pre K ( age 4-5) by each semester, students will be able to learn and play 30 songs independently.
- K ( 5-6) by each semester, students will be able to learn and play 40 songs independently.
- 1 ( 6-7) by each semester, students will be able to learn and play 60 songs independently.
- 2 ( 7-8) by each semester, students will be able to learn and play 60 songs independently.
- 3 ( 8-9) by each semester, students will be able to learn and play 60 songs independently.
- Felicia’s method philosophy
- Time commitment for children to learn this program school time. after school help if necessary. No extra time needed to spend at home.
How that looks:
- 5 Cores learning in 45 minutes -1 hour include :
- Focus- Keyboard skills 15 min
- Logical learning through music theory 10 min ( 15 min)
- Ear-Training 10 min
- Singing and Presentation, Performance Etiquette 10 min ( 15 min)